Armin's World Tour of Scotland

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This area of the website is still "under construction" There are a few general pages relating to this site in general. Once I find the time I will add a few more pages related to travelling in Scotland in general.

Site related

Author - The page about me, the author of this page. Read it if you want to find out more about me

Contact - How to contact me via email or phone

Legal & technical - Copyright stuff, disclaimer and some comments about the technical background to the design of this site.

Link to me - A banner to link to this site. And instructions how to add it to your site.

Recommend this site! - A script which allows visitors to recommend this site to friends and relatives.

Sitemap - Just in case you got lost, a listing of all pages on this site. What more could you ask for?

Various other pages

After my return I was asked to write a report for the Great Place to Work Magazine. I scanned it for you to read, although I have to warn you if you have a slow connection: The scan is 200kb big, so it might take a while to load.

Pages I'm planning to add here

A few wallpapers/backgrounds with pictures from my tour.

How to use passing places on single track roads.

Saving money with Historic Scotland or the National Trust for Scotland.

Whatever else I can come up with ;-)